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Kennel Dog Handler

Dog connections

Learn dog management behaviour techniques

Dog Health

Get familiar with dog illnesses and diseases and how to manage them.

Dogs and work

Understand the challenges of working with dogs
Become a professional "Dog Handler" in a boarding facility.  Learn the ropes on how to handle dogs correctly, and understand dog nutrition and health. Explore dog behaviour and simple training techniques when working with dogs. Together with health and safety, this course is ideal for anyone looking to become a dog handler in boarding and daycare facilities.

What's included?

  • 4 Units
  • 1 Certification
  • 31 Questions
  • 2 PDF
  • Recognised Course

Become a Dog Handler 

Turn your dog knowledge into professional knowledge. This course is ideal for anyone looking to work in a kennel or boarding environment. Understand the basics of working alongside dogs.

Not just a dog handler

 Learn about nutrition, behaviour signals, how to handle a dog correctly. Tips on dog engagement and playtime and how to occupy and entertain a dog whilst staying at a boarding facility.
Meet the Trainer

Neil Anderson

Neil has been handling dogs since he was 7 years old and has developed a sophisticated understanding of canine psychology. He has focussed his learning on how dogs learn and using his experience has developed his own method of dog training and behaviour modification. He is a recognised "Master Trainer" his learning come from both pets and working dogs.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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